Multimission Observations of Relativistic Electrons and High-speed Jets Linked to Shock-generated Transients
Published in The Astrophysical Journal Letters (ApJL), 2025
Raptis, S., Lindberg, M., Liu, T.Z., Turner, D.L., Lalti, A., Zhou, Y., Kajdič, P., Kouloumvakos, A., Sibeck, D.G., Vuorinen, L., Michael, A., Shumko, M., Osmane, A., Krämer, E., Turc, L., Karlsson, T., Katsavrias, C., Wilson III, L.B., Madanian, H., Blanco-Cano, X., Cohen, I.J., & Escoubet C.P., (2025). Multimission Observations of Relativistic Electrons and High-speed Jets Linked to Shock-generated Transients.The Astrophysical Journal Letters 981(1) L10,
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